Sunday, November 6, 2011

Last Web Conference

My last web conference of my Master's Degree was thankfully uneventful. I attended the Saturday morning conference on November 5. I had so much difficulty balancing my schedule during this last course and was not able to attend most of the conferences. For this conference I had to send my daughter to her soccer game with friends while my husband and son went to another. The baby stayed with me. I could not use my webcam with the 21 month old baby running around trying to help me type. I was extremely relieved that no additional criteria to the assignments were added during the conference. All the pieces to the comprehensive examination are as posted on Epic. The course embedded assignments, standards reflections, web conference reflections, and Internship field based reflections and summaries are as expected.

I must admit I was a little taken aback by the number of people who plan to turn their work in late. I did not realize that was ever an option. During my entire program I never asked to turn in any assignment late, let alone the final examination for the entire program. I have juggled three children and their schedules, working full time, organizing retreats at my church, and coordinating committees at my church while getting a Master's Degree. I can only assume I am a really good time manager. As the saying goes, I have not walked in their shoes so I must  not judge. I am glad to say that I am a better leader at my campus due to the knowledge and experience I have obtained during my time earning my Master's with Lamar.

Thank you to the Educational Technology department at Lamar University for your patience in working with me. You have enhanced my versatility as an educational leader.

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