Monday, February 14, 2011

Curriculum EDLD 5335 Reflection 2 ELCC Standard 5

Collaboration is a wonderful way to find solutions as problems occur. Collaborating takes the power away from one person and allows new ideas to be considered. When we work only by ourselves, we sometimes get lost in our own ideas and need others to show us different ways. I find if I don’t collaborate then my training becomes redundant. When working with different personalities, results can only be different.

Living in the 21st century has created many different ways to collaborate. We no longer only have the option of meeting face to face. I have used Wikispaces and Moodle forums to collaborate with colleagues in a written environment. Personally, I have utilized Tok Box, Skype, Adobe Connect, and Webex to work “face to face.” I recently collaborated with a teacher in India to train her on Moodle where I shared my desktop so she could understand the Moodle software easier. This helped us to share ideas concerning our lesson on how life in India is similar and different to the way of life of children in the US. Collaboration is limited only to our imaginations.

My philosophy of curriculum is based on a learner centered approach. We must differentiate our instruction to benefit every child. Using data based decision making helps create an atmosphere where the teacher understands the areas that the students need more focus. It is important to use many different types of assessments. TAKS cannot be the only deciding factor. Teachers must use quantitative and qualitative assessments to make qualified data decisions. Teachers need to use the district assessments in a manner that helps make decisions.

We must use data based decisions to help create a successful curriculum. I have known teachers who have a curriculum but must deliver the same lessons on the same day for years. As an educational leader, I will work with all teachers but specifically those teachers who need alter their own philosophy to incorporate the importance of data based decision making into their classrooms to ensure curriculum is being delivered successfully.

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