Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Action Research week 4

On Tuesday, December 7, 2010 at 2:30. Robert Harris and I met in a conference room which also is used as a literacy library. I must admit that next time I meet with my site supervisor I will pick one of the conference rooms which does not have a secondary purpose. Using the Literacy Library at the end of the day when teachers are preparing for the following instructional day and collecting materials, was not the best thought out idea. Needless to say, we were interrupted several times by very well meaning teachers needing their guided reading materials. We were also interrupted by those needing books but who also wanted realized the district technology coordinator and the campus technologist were meeting in private behind closed doors.
Robert and I had a great discussion about my topic and this assignment has made our professional relationship stronger. We have an assigned discussion topic to control our discussion which created an organized dialogue possible. Often, Robert and I can get off topic rather easily. With this topic we tried to complete our idea gathering and sharing in a manner to which helped both of us. I was able to discuss the plans and strategies my school planned on utilizing with the 1-1 program. Robert was interested in learning about how I planned to collect the data. One aspect that we decided to update on the Action Research Plan was on conducting a benchmark technology test. We are going to use the district 5th grade technology benchmark with our 4th graders in May and again next year in May to compare the data.
We also discussed and agree that is was important when beginning a 1-1 that the teachers understand it is not about the tool but about learning. We need to focus on the content we are working on with our students and use the laptops as a seamless tool for integration. We need to not focus on the technology.
Action Research Plan Link

Action Planning Template
Leanne Knight
Goal: How can the utilization of a one to one laptop environment help improve Language Arts in third and fourth grade classrooms?
Action Steps(s):Person(s) Responsible:Timeline: Start/EndNeeded ResourcesEvaluation
1. Discuss topic with Principal, and site supervisorMyself, Dr. Lynda Carter, and Robert HarrisNovember 22, 2010/December 3, 2010Intern PlanCreation of action research topic.
2. Meet with 3rd and 4th grade teachers implementing 1-1 to train on proper execution of Netbook carts for effective utilization.Myself and Participating teachers (2 third grade teachers, and 2 fourth grade teachers)January 2011Training materials created by me, articles and books for books studyTeacher feedback and active monitoring
3. Meet with 3rd and 4th grade 1-1 teachers and introduce lessons to enhance language arts with integrated technology.Myself and Participating teachers (2 third grade teachers, and 2 fourth grade teachers)February 2011Lessons created by me using Web 2.0 toolsTeacher feedback and active monitoring
4. Conduct monthly meetings with 1-1 teachers to discuss proper utilization and concerns. Give suggestions, lessons, and professional development as needed.Myself and Participating teachers (2 third grade teachers, and 2 fourth grade teachers)January 2011-December 2011Time, projector, laptop, Dell 2110 NetbooksTeacher feedback and active monitoring
5. Collect data from all 4th grade writing and reading fall 2010 and 2011 benchmarks, TAKs writing and reading scores 2011. Collect data from all 3rd grade reading benchmarks 2010 and 2011, TAKs reading scores 2011.Myself, Participating teachers (2 third grade teachers, and 2 fourth grade teachers), Dr. CarterDecember 2011Disaggregated TAKS scores, benchmarks, progress monitorsAll data accounted for
6. Evaluate data from all 4th grade writing and reading fall 2010 and 2011 benchmarks, TAKs writing and reading scores 2011. Evaluate data from all 3rd grade reading benchmarks 2010 and 2011, TAKs reading scores 2011.Myself, Participating teachers (2 third grade teachers, and 2 fourth grade teachers), Dr. CarterDecember 2011Disaggregated TAKS scores, benchmarks, progress monitorsQuantitative and qualitative results
7. Compare the results from 1-1 classrooms to 3rd and 4th grade classrooms not piloting program.Myself, Participating teachers (2 third grade teachers, and 2 fourth grade teachers), Dr. CarterDecember 2011Disaggregated TAKS scores, benchmarks, progress monitorsDisaggregated TAKS scores, benchmarks, progress monitors comparison

Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools
(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)


  1. Leanne,
    How fortunate, to get your hands on that many laptops. Your plan looks good. You might consider a survey of students in the 1-1 classes and those who are not, maybe to not only gauge learning but excitement levels about learning. Are the laptops an incentive, in other words, for students to want to learn. Sheryl

  2. I would love to have more laptops on our campus. I really like the yellow font color used on your AR plan. It really stands-out on the blog background.

  3. I really appreciate your comments! I changed my blog background recently since my previous template would not allow me to alter the width. Hoping things will fit better on this template.

  4. I really like your action research plan. As a third grade teacher I would love to have that one on one laptop ratio to integrate into my language arts block. I do believe that this technology integration can improve the students results on state's test, and develop the skills they need to be successful in their future.
