Friday, December 3, 2010

Action Research week 3

A few years ago my principal and I discussed the utilization of a one-to-one environment for our school. I have been researching the technologies available. Previously I was never impressed with a laptop that could be financially feasible and sustain the technologies utilized. Recently I found the Dell 2110 and networkable cart. After finding the Dell Netbook I was eager to find ways to implement this technology. Working with my principal, we designed a 5 year vision along with getting parent approval for purchasing using gifted money to our school. We decided that utilizing a one to one environment was more practical cognitively and financially with our third and fourth graders at our school that teachers Kindergarten through fourth grade students.

Since we decided on third and fourth grades to begin the one to one laptop initiative we thought it was important to begin with piloting the laptops in two of the six fourth grade classrooms and two of the six third grade classrooms. Since third and fourth are pivotal years in language arts testing, I wanted to ensure the proper implementation of these tools. I have decided to do an action research into how can the utilization of a one to one laptop environment help improve Language Arts in third and fourth grade classrooms.

Since I am doing my research with third and fourth grades, they have many benchmarks and preliminary tests that are similar to TAKS. We also utilize MAPs (Measures of Academic Progress) testing which has a reading section. To collect quantitative data I am going to compare results between classes utilizing 1-1 and classes not utilizing 1-1 at the same school. For qualitative data, I will discuss with teachers their utilization and their perceptions. I want to also work with the classes and try different Web 2.0 sites for collaboration.

During my action research project I will ensure that I disseminate the information learned. I plan to blog about my findings within my blogger site to ensure that whoever wishes to learn the findings can easily attain the information. In Leading with Passion and Knowledge, Dana states that it is important when sharing information from action research to include four components, “1-providing background information, 2-sharing the design of the inquiry, 3-stating the learning and supporting the statements with date, and 4-providing concluding thoughts.(p.163)”

I am finding that having a planned action research has given me an opportunity to organize my findings and to steer me in the correct direction. I will be able to more easily work with my teachers now that I have a stated goal of research.

Fichman, Nancy Dana (2009). Leading with passion and knowledge: The principal as action Researcher. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

1 comment:

  1. Leanne,

    What a wonderful project in that it directly impacts the students! You should be able to find a great deal of research on your topic. There is a campus in the Corpus Christi ISD that implemented the 1-to-1 initiative and was quite successful. You may want to find out which campus it was and contact the organizers. Will the students be giving you any kind of feedback or will it just come from the data you will collect? You might consider both. -Barbara Grayson
