Monday, September 19, 2011

Internship Reflections: TF 111.C

Apply technology to demonstrate students’ higher-order skills and creativity.

Work with Talented and Gifted students on robotics program.

At the end of the 2010 school year, the fourth graders in the talented and gifted program use the Lego Mindstorms Robotics program. The TAG teacher was new and had never used the robotics kits. So I went in and helped her the first few times with her students so she did not have to do the whole project on her own. With the help of “how stuff works” website we were able to show the students what they were about to accomplish. I helped the students get their kits set up and was there as an extra set of adult supervision. It was important to let the children problem solve and follow the specific directions they received with their kit. It was interesting to see the students’ personalities show during this group project. Each group had a leader, programmer, designer, etc. By the end of the unit, it was amazing to see the robots and how the students had programmed the robots to run. It was fantastic to see how capable nine and ten year old children are when they

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