Monday, September 19, 2011

Internship reflections: TF V.A

Use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional development and lifelong learning.

Work with district campus instructional technologists at district meetings to grow professionally.

As a member of the district technology team, I meet regularly with the district technology staff. Meeting dates for this year: October 4, December 1, January 6, February 2, March 3, April 18, and May 6. At our May meeting, I worked with another technologist and we wrote an Acceptable Use Policy for students who Bring Their Own Device.

Personal Devices

Students in Highland Park ISD are allowed to utilize personal electronic devices (ie: iPad, iTouch, Smartphone, etc). Highland Park ISD does not accept any responsibility for lost, stolen, damaged or compromised personal devices. The responsibility of the personal device is strictly the student’s and not any HPISD employee. Maintenance, repairs, software/apps, and troubleshooting of personal devices is the sole responsibility of the student and not any HPISD employee. All financial responsibility of use of personal devices (ie: device fees, applications, electronic books, services, etc) will be maintained by the student or parents. Students are required to follow all Acceptable Use Policies when utilizing any personal device within HPISD. If AUP is not followed, campus leadership may enforce consequences as the administrator sees necessary. Students may lose the privilege of bringing personal device if AUP is not followed.

Student use of the personal electronic devices must be in support of education and research and be consistent with the educational objectives for the Highland Park Independent School District. Proper behavior, as it relates to the use of computers or other electronic devices, is no different than proper behavior in all other aspects of HPISD activities. You are expected to use the computers and computer networks in a responsible, ethical, and polite manner. Your use of the personal electronic devices and computer network, and other parts of the electronic communications system is only allowed when supervised or granted permission by a staff member. Your participation in chat rooms, email accounts, newsgroups, blogs, social networks, forums, wiki, or listservs accessed on the Internet is permissible only during a curriculum-related activity and then only under direct supervision and monitoring by your teacher or other District staff. Participation in any outside site, as directed by a school official, should be conducted as if in a classroom environment. As a user of an external educational site you are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of school network etiquette.

Leanne and Laura May 6, 2011 during CIT meeting

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