Monday, September 26, 2011

Internship reflections: TF VII. A

Use the school technology facilities and resources to implement classroom instruction.

Maintain campus technology inventory.

Since 2009, I have maintained my campus’ technology inventory spreadsheet. Whenever a new piece of equipment arrives on my campus I assign the hardware a district number, and put all appropriate information into the spreadsheet including warranty. I often meet with the PTA to discuss the inventory so it is important that the inventory be perfect otherwise funding would decrease. It is important to have an accurate inventory so my campus is aware of out of date technology that requires renewal/replacing.
I use the inventory regularly throughout my week. Whenever a piece of equipment needs a technician, the information from the inventory becomes invaluable.  I am the only person on the campus that maintains the inventor and I receive a small district stipend since it is such a laborious process.

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