Monday, September 26, 2011

Internship reflections: TF VIII.E

Engage in supervised field-based experiences with accomplished technology facilitators and/or directors.

Regularly meet with district CITs (campus instructional technologists), Robert Harris (District Administrator of Instructional Technology), and Ron Smith (District Administrator of Technical Services).

On September 9, 2011, our group of CIT’s met at the Highland Park High School library conference room. Our first order of business was to discuss the new district Responsible Use Agreement that was to replace the Acceptable Use form. As the new Responsible Agreement form gets issued to campuses, teachers must sign the agreement and turn in to their respective CITs on their campus. All forms are due by the end of September to the Technology administration offices. We discussed how our district Webmaster and administrator of Skyward was changing jobs and leaving our district. We will have a new person taking over Web-mastering and another person taking over Skyward, online registration, etc. We began discussing the ramifications of the school boards reluctance to allow children under fifth grade to be without a district email address. We discussed how so many innovative web tools require an email address to create an account. One way to work through the problem is for the teacher to create a Google account then use the “google+1” email address as a “ghost” account.  The elementary CIT’s edited the district protocols for elementary teachers to reflect the board decision on students not having district email addresses.

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