Monday, September 19, 2011

Internship Reflections: TF 11.E

Plan strategies to manage student learning in a technology-enhanced environment.
During grade level meetings, discuss classroom management strategies.

On December 12, 2010, I met with the second grade team on integration strategies. One of the areas the team was having difficulty was in the teacher trying to help every child during computer lab time. I talked with the teachers about showing one or two students how to do certain steps and the student helper could go around the lab and help students. The teachers appreciated the tip and began utilizing computer helpers in the lab.
During the same meeting I gave the second grade teachers ways to utilize the three classroom computers without interruption during lessons and class work time. I showed them to take Popsicle sticks and put a student name on each stick, divide the sticks into three equal groups, and place each group into one cup without a label on one side of each computer. Then I put another cup labeled “finished” on the other side of each the computer. I explained that if they took one stick randomly out of the cup and placed it on a student’s desk they would know to be the first at the computer station. The procedure would be then that when the student was finished with their computer time, to put their stick in the “finished” cup, and then randomly choose another stick. They would put the new stick on the correlating student’s desk and that student would recognize that it was their turn at the computer station. They would repeat the procedure for each group’s computer station. At the end of the day, the teacher would also know which students had the chance to use the computers and who still needed to go the next day. Once all students had a turn at the computers, they could start all over with the procedure. This has been a great tool for many teachers at the schools I have worked. The teachers appreciate because they no longer have to “keep up” with who has gone and who still needs computer time.

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