Monday, September 26, 2011

Internship reflections: TF VIII.C

Apply effective group process skills.
Using global connection lessons utilize forums for groups.

A class in India was going to connect with our school to learn different culturally specific games. Our school was going to create videos and discussion forums in Moodle. Her school would then log into our Moodle to upload their own videos and create forums. She did not know who to use Moodle. On November 8, 2010, at 8:30 AM, I video conference via Skype with Sudha Penu from India which was 7:30 PM for her. Using Skype, I was able to “share” my screen with her. I logged in to the Moodle site, and showed her specifically how to edit, upload, and other basic functions of Moodle. I also shared my Moodle manual that I use with teachers.
Our two schools utilized forums for discussions on different standard physical education games utilized in the US compared to India. The students would discuss with each other via the Moodle Forum.
The school from India shared sports such as Shatranj (chess), Kabaddi/Chedugudu, and Tokudu Billa/Kith-Kith. Our students shared about hopscotch, wrestling, volleyball, cup-stacking, horseshoes, and basketball. The students at our school loved creating the videos that accompanied each forum post. After the students created their videos, the teacher would post the video to a new forum, and then the students from our school and the school in India would comment back and forth to each other. Our students were so excited to share in these lessons.

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