Monday, September 26, 2011

Internship reflections: TF VIII.D

Lead in the development and evaluation of district technology planning and implementation.

Work with teams on planning appropriate technology implementation after collaborating on the results of the 2009-2010 STaR Chart Results.

Once a year campuses are required to conduct the Texas Campus STaR Chart.  Previous ot the campus conducting their evaluation, I met with each team to discuss how the evaluation helps us in planning and the importance of taking the evaluation truthfully. At the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year, I met with teams to discuss areas that the STaR Chart has shown as areas of weakness.  This year I brought the 2009-2010 STaR Chart results to organize our discussion with teams.  One area we found that needed to be addressed was under Key Area II: Educator Preparation and Development under number 6: Professional Development for Online Learning. As a campus we discussed ways to help our school become higher than the score of 2 (Developing Tech). We decided that we would utilize our district Ning and Moodle for Professional Development.
 At our campus anything below a 3 would be an area of great concern. Our campus completed their chart on May 10, 2011. The results for our campus were rather positive. In  Key area 1: Teaching and instruction and Key area II: Educator Preparation and Development my campus classified as Advanced Tech. In Key area III: Leadership, Administration, and Instructional Support and Key area IV: Infrastructure for Technology we ranked the classification of Target Tech.  

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