Monday, September 19, 2011

Internship reflections: TF V.B

Continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning.

Meet regularly with principal to discuss programs being instituted on campus.

Dates formally met with campus principal Dr. Carter 2010-2011:
August 30: go over grade level expectations and yearly plan
Sept 8: Discuss one to one initiative
Oct. 5: work through strategies to implement 1-1 
Nov. 10: completely revise 5 year technology vision
Jan 5: campus design meeting
April 21: yearly evaluation of campus and professional evaluation

I regularly meet with my campus principal. I appreciate the guidance she gives teachers and is always a professional. I appreciate that she finds time in her hectic schedule to meet with me regularly and to ensure that I am up to date with all the information I am sharing with teachers. I often go over with Dr. Carter the information I will present to teachers at my grade level monthly meetings. She willingly offers suggestions if needed. Working with Dr. Carter has given me the opportunity to see a true professional principal at work. A few years ago she was the TEPSA (Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association) president and also mentors new principals throughout the state of Texas. Meeting with her gives me an opportunity to grow professionally.

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